A branch of science that involves the study of healing powers of the body itself is known as Naturopathy. It deals with cleansing of the body without the help of allopathic medicines. The body is allowed to clean and repair its own immune system, hormonal system, excretory system, nervous system, etc.
Naturopathy helps align the body’s self-healing power with the systems by providing naturally obtained medicines for diseases. Licensed Naturopath or Naturopathic Physicians usually work in clinics along with patients in analyzing symptoms, issues, and medical status. They personalize treatment protocols for every patient, along with studying the patient's lifestyle, habits, scanning patients’ ailments or allergies to find clues responsible for the current state.
The degree of BNYS (Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yoga Science) focuses on the education of working in compliance with the symptoms of the patient’s body and other reactions. Studying these symptoms is important for the Naturopaths because they believe that every person’s symptoms can differ in line with the cause of the disease and thus requires a different treatment methodology. Things like emotional predispositions, biomechanics as well as the biochemistry of the patients are utilized for treating illness.
The course of BNYS is 4.5 years and is mainly an undergraduate course that pertains to the field of Integrative Medicine. It is a culmination of both traditional and modern medicine. The course also requires the students to complete a Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship for the duration of 1 year.
The students willing to take up the BNYS course and become a Naturopath can choose from a number of medical colleges and universities both private and government. The syllabus taught is mainly in English though Sanskrit is used as an additional language in some colleges. The candidates who are interested in applying for the study of BNYS are supposed to acquire a minimum academic qualification in order to get admission in top Naturopathic colleges in India:
The students who have not attended their 10+2 in Science stream can opt for the 1-year training program at the National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune ( also known as Treatment Attendant Training Course).
For students aspiring for Naturopathy, they need to have a set of skills that are equivalent to that of the students of MBBS. This is because the study of Naturopathy is quite similar to the study of MBBS. Some of the important skillset and educational integrity that are essential for being a Naturopath are as follows: